屠企一路打压 屠企是什么企业
更新时间:2023-12-29 21:04:57作者:未知
SPAIN - For 2015, exports of Spanish pork increased 17 per cent on the year earlier to 1.23 million tonnes.In euro terms, the value of these shipments also grew, although at a lesser pace, up by 6 per cent to 2.65 billion. This highlighted that the unit price fell by 9 per cent in 2015, versus 2014, to 2.15/kg.Domestic production levels were up 8 per cent year on year, coupled with a growing pig herd. The December 2015 census stated that the Spanish pig herd grew 7 per cent during 2015 to 28.4 million head, making it now the largest pig herd in Europe, overtaking Germany.The breeding sow herd also grew by 5 per cent over the same period, inferring that domestic production will increase further into 2016.